Stakeholder Tenant

This is the big one.

You’re making no commitment by asking to be put on the Stakeholder Tenant list and in doing so you will be given all the information you need to make a decision.

There are no full details at this stage; only an outline and the start of our conversation. We will be looking to see if what we are planning in terms of the journey, financially and commitment wise, is a good fit for you; and us.

One overriding principal will be transparency. You will get all the information. You will be part of the process. You will be our team member.

At this stage as bullet point principals*:

  • As a Stakeholder Tenant you will have secured your unit.

  • Stakeholder Tenants will pay a non-refundable fee which will be used to help fund the process up to full planning approval.

  • Your Stakeholder Tenancy is conditional on planning be approved.

  • Your Stakeholder Tenancy Fee will generate a rent reduction in the first year in excess of your fee, giving you a return on your risk investment.

  • As a Stakeholder Tenant you will be required to aid the application with your public support for the application and where possible attend meetings when required.

  • As the project evolves, legal frameworks will be established.

  • If as a Stakeholder Tenant you can bring professional services to the table, we are willing to look at trading those services for rent reductions within any legals parameters.

*All the above is subject to change as required; except the transparency promise.


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